Since June 1st, 2016, all apps submited to the App Store must support IPv6-only networking. Obviously we updated our backends to handle IPv6 (while doing so I realized that neither Amazon nor Azure had support for IPv6 yet) and tested our apps by doing a DNS64/NAT64 on our Mac (see To set up a local IPv6 Wi-Fi network using your Mac).

I thought Ionic2/Cordova apps wouldn’t have issues, but looks like they do, at least on Apple’s test environment. I only found a few posts about apps being rejected for lack of IPv6 compatibility, some were with native apps, others with Cordova. On the few posts about Cordova, I found one that suggested using a specific plugin: cordova-HTTP. And sure thing, after using it, there was no IPv6 issue on Apple’s side anymore. Maybe using the new WKWebFrom from Ionic will help with this problem. It’s quite weird that UIWebView doesn’t work with IPv6.