Blog about development. Anything that interests me at work or at home.

I saw a mention to the Pascal’s Triangle not that long ago and thought of writing some code to solve it. It’s a lot easier than the 8 queens puzzle and can be done easily under 10 minutes. I wrote it in Chrome’s snippet. The Javascript errors are not that...

I remember my brother telling me about the 8 queens puzzle when I was around 18. The goal is to put 8 queens on a 8x8 board, with no queen being able to take another one. It means 2 queens cannot be on the same row, nor on the same...

In the previous post, we set up Symfony. Let’s start creating a RESTful API. We’ll make use of the FOSRestTBundle. FYI, a lot of Symfony bundles have name starting with FOS, it means Friends Of Symfony.