How to use Jekyll for your site/blog on GitHub Pages
GitHub Pages uses Jekyll, “a simple, blog-aware, static site generator”, so let’s install it.
New way to install it
Since the creation of the post, it seems the recommended way to install Jekyll on Windows changed.
- Install the RubyInstaller for Windows (get the recommended Devkit version if you’re unsure). Install MSYS2 at the end of the wizard.
Install Jekyll and bundler gems
gem install jekyll bundler
Create your new site (below named mysite) with
jekyll new mysite
This creates a director name mysite
Go to the directory and build the site
cd mysite bundle exec jekyll serve
- You should see that your site is available at http://localhost:4000
If you’re on Linux or Mac
If you’re on Windows
Install chocolatey (a package manager for Windows, similar to apt-get on Linux)
Run in command line as admin:
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin
To upgrade chocolatey in the future, run
choco upgrade chocolatey
Install ruby through chocolatey
Open a new command line (not as admin) - you need to open a new command line, else chocolatey will not be available
choco install ruby -y
To upgrade ruby later on, run (it seems it needs admin rights)
choco upgrade ruby
All systems
Now you just need to install Jekyll through Gem, the Ruby package manager Open a new command line (not as admin) - you need to open a new command line, else gem will not be available
gem install jekyll
After installing jekyll you may see:
MSYS2 could not be found. Please run ‘ridk install’ or download and install MSYS2 manually from
This is needed for installing gems with native extensions.
To upgrade jekyll later on, run
gem update jekyll
Now that Jekyll is installed, simply run the following at the root of your GitHub Pages repository
jekyll serve
It will create your static website and open a local webserver for you to test. Just head over to (or whatever address and port number is displayed by the jekyll serve
command), and you should see the index of your website.
Check part 3 to write your first post.