How to create you first Jekyll post

  1. Create a _posts folder at the root of your repository
  2. Create a file matching the following pattern YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.MARKUP, eg md means Markdown, which is what’s used on GitHub
  3. Starts that file with a Front Matter block, like this-is-my-first-post

    the front matter content

    The front matter content is following the YAML format, which basically means something like

    key1: value1
    key2: value2

    In our case, we’ll use the following

    layout: post
    title: The title of my awesome post!
  4. Below, simply write your content! Markdown is a pretty simple format to use. You can check for samples

  5. Save it. If you haven’t already done so, run jekyll serve. This will generate the corresponding html file under _site. Head over to (or whatever address and port number is displayed by the jekyll serve command). Note that the extension will be html.

Now you’ll probably noticed that your post is not really sexy…so head over to the next part to fix that.