Make your post more sexy by using a nice template
You may have noticed in the command window where jekyll serve
is running something like
Build Warning: Layout 'post' requested in _posts/ does not exist.
The post
layout we specified in our Front Matter
part simply doesn’t exist yet. We’ll have to create it and add it to the _templates
Templating in Jekyll works with the Liquid templating engine.
Now you’ll probably want to check, look for something that you like and then study it a bit to modify it to your liking. Note that some themes don’t require you to do anything appart from copying files to your repository, while others may require you to install other libraries. After setting up my blog I chose the Freshman21 theme as it looks like a usual blog site, without a huge image taking the entire screen requiring you to scroll down to start seeing the content. The good thing also was that it only required SASS, so it was pretty simple to use.