It’s currently not written in the CLI docs for Ionic2, but just like with Ionic1, it’s possible to easily generate splashscreens and icons for your app.

Simply use ionic resources to generate both splashscreens and icons. You can add the --icon or --splash options to only generate one or the other.

For it to work, you first need to add two initial files under project/resources:

  • icon.png of at least 192x192
  • splash.png of at least 2732x2732

Note that the size of the needed icon and splashscreen will depend on the platform and device:

  • Currently the biggest splashscreen for Android has a side of 1920, while on iOS it’s 2732. But if you only target smartphones it’ll be smaller
  • Currently the biggest icon for Android has a side of 192, while on iOS it’s 180.