I generated an SSH key using PuTTYgen. I chose Save private key and saved it under %USERPROFILE%/.ssh as privKey.ppk. This is what I use for TortoiseGit. I then chose Conversions / Export OpenSSH key and saved it as id_rsa. It will be automatically used by some programs, like PHPStorm or Git.

I now wanted to git pull from the Mac. Here is what I ended up doing

  1. Copy the OpenSSH key to ~/.ssh, I named it myGitPrivKey
  2. Create a config file (or append to it)
Host gitServerAlias

	Hostname my.git.server.com
	User myUserName
	Port 12345
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/myGitPrivKey

Now when I git pull I can simply point to ssh://gitServerAlias/path/to/my/repo.git.

For more info on the config file, run man ssh_config.